Patch Notes

Want to know what's changed in the latest updates? Look no further!

0.4.3 BETA 01.08.20

Birdwood? Birchwood? Ashfall?... Birchfall!

The release of our second zone with over 60 new items, recipes, materials and more! Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • New obtainable materials: Tungsten ore,Ash Wood, Birch Wood, amethyst, ...

  • Over 60 NEW Items

  • New recipes

  • Rare + Epic drops

  • Gems from mining

  • Mob max levels

  • 11 new enemies in the explore encounters

  • New boss

  • Level cap increase to lvl 23

  • Added material Linnen for cloth crafting


  • Fixed a spacing bug on the $rd command

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.4.2 BETA - 01.07.20

Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • Updated the last few yes/no confirmations to reaction confirmations.

  • Added helpful warning indicating your class can not wear an item you're about to craft (to prevent spending mats on crafting the wrong items)

  • Added helpful warning indicating you are too low level to equip an item you're about to craft (and its level requirement)

  • Changed the 'you are too low level' message when equipping to 'you are too low level, you must be level x' to prevent you having to run several commands to know what level you should be to actually equip the item.

  • Removed the $equipment command. Your equipment has been put back onto your profile.

  • Added confirmation with the same warnings to the $buy command


  • Fixed the 'that is on cooldown for another unknown' bug.

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.4.1 BETA - 01.06.20

Fixes? Fixes! Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • Changed confirmations to reactions instead of typing yes/no

  • Your custom server prefix is now loaded as static data on the bot, improving command execution speed.

  • Changed up the winner announcement of the lottery a bit. it's now announced in the #lottery channel instead of #announcements -- Without mentioning everyone.

  • The lottery message now updates every 15 minutes (was 1hr)


  • Fixed the bug where if you were really under-powered while fighting the boss that your attacks would heal the boss instead of deal damage. (whoops)

  • Implemented another attempt at fixing the 'HUH MY SESSION STOPPED WORKING'-bug

  • Fixed the visual bug that happened when using $heal and you do not have enough potions.

  • Fixed the blackjack bug that would result in a push while you have a better hand that the dealer.

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.4.0 BETA - 01.05.20

So... I've heard you guys like gambling huh? Welcome: The Lottery!

The Lottery

We have implemented a system to have daily lotteries. Every day a winner gets picked and the price pool goes to the winner. The lottery message is updated every 15 minutes in the #lottery channel. Displaying the users with the highest amount of tickets. You can enter the lottery by using the $lottery command. If you wish to check how many tickets you have for the current lottery you can do so by executing $lottery tickets

Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • Well... uuh... The lottery, duuh!

  • Made some commands more clearer by changing 'you have x' to 'username has x'

  • Added a helpful confirmation to the $sell command.

  • Added a proper time formatting system. No longer will you get scared by these H U G E cooldowns.

  • Added a $daily command with randomized rewards.

  • Added a $weekly command with randomized rewards.

  • Added API failure protection. Your game-play shouldn't suffer from other sites being down.


  • Fixed $gift command to work with amounts.

  • Fixed $consume bug when not owning the consumable it says some funny things.

  • Minor visual fixes.

  • And finally... My arch-nemesis... Fixed the session permission bug.

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.3.5 BETA - 01.04.20

An update containing lots of requested features. Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • Added $help [command]. This shows the usage and information of a command, if you ever get lost you can use it! :)

  • The equipment has been separated into its own command: $equipment [optional: @user] showing the stats of the item.

  • Added the $travel command. If you have the next zone unlocked you can travel to it, there is no content yet there though.

  • Added the $zones command. Listing all zones available in the game right now and their suggested level ranges.

  • Removed the $currencies command. Your currencies are now displayed on your $profile

  • Added a confirmation prompt when crafting something.

  • Added the possibility to run specific allowed commands during traveling. Yes you may kill your time while traveling with gambling, jeez you addict! :p


  • Fixed the $consume command

  • Fixed a visual spacing bug when finding the boss while exploring.

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.3.4 BETA - 01.04.20

Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • Added a 5 second cooldown to the $coinflip command to prevent spamming it and abusing the gambling system.

  • Made it so that other users can't interfere with your session, they used to be able to talk in it. Not anymore! Suckers!

  • Added $eat as an alias to $consume

  • Revamped cooldown system to a way cleaner solution, less performance heavy.

  • You may now type whatever you want when the bot prompts you to enter you class when registering. As long as it contains the class name somewhere, you should be golden :^)

  • Some groundwork has been laid for the traveling that's coming soon ™️

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.3.3 BETA - 01.03.20

An update containing bug fixes, voting, info commands, revamped registering, etc. Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.


  • Revamped $register. To get started you can simply run the command and the bot will run your through step by step.

  • Changed the text when finding the boss to be bold and more attention grabbing.

  • Added the $vote command, giving you some sweet rewards for helping out and voting.

  • Added the $vote command to the $ready and $cooldown commands. (external rest API call)

  • Materials you do not own (value of 0) will no longer be displayed on the $materials command.

  • Updated the help command with new links and a warning about this being a beta.

  • Added icons to classes (the current ones are temporary)

  • Added proper descriptions to all classes

  • Added $classes command listing all the current available classes and their descriptions.


  • Fixed the bug that would say you have full health when dying in a turn-based session with the zone boss.

  • Other minor fixes

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

0.3.2 BETA - 01.01.20

✨Happy New Year everyone! ✨

An update featuring the new crafting system, new item sets, class info, improved stat system, etc... Note: current enemies, names for zones, items, materials, etc. are temporary and are subject to change as the development goes on.

Explaining the item crafting system

With this update comes the crafting system and an improved stat system for items. All equipable items now have these stat parameters for every stat:

  1. base_stat

  2. crafting_bonus_min

  3. crafting_bonus_max

When crafting an equipable item you will have an rng chance of getting a strong craft, this will increase the items' stat with a value between crafting_bonus_min and crafting_bonus_max

You can check these parameters for every item using the $itemdata [itemname] command.


  • Added $recipes [optional: Page] command.

  • Added $craft [name] [optional: amount] command.

  • Added craftable consumable 'Cooked Common Fish'

  • Added $classinfo [optional: ClassName] command. (This shows you the base stat, stat increases, allowed item types, etc. for the selected class)

  • Added links to our official resources to the $help command.

  • The commands $equip,$inventory,$gift,$sell have been switched to a 'bag slot' system instead of an 'item id' system. Items are now inside of numbered slots in your inventory. If you want to execute a command with a select item you have to pass what slot it's in. Example: $gift @user 20. This will gift the item in my 20th inventory slot.

  • Added a level cap. All exp gained above level 15 is useless (for now.)

  • Added 2 new armor sets.

Coming Soon ™️

  • Sorting recipes by category

  • Travel system (to travel to other zones)

  • Professions

  • User Marketplace

As usual, thank you for testing our work, any feedback or bug reports is appreciated in ideas-and-suggestions in our Official Discord Server.

Last updated